Sweet Mary by Wadsworth Mansion lyrics and music video. You can sing while listening to the song Sweet Mary performed by Wadsworth Mansion. Hope you like the music video and song lyrics for Sweet Mary.

Wadsworth Mansion: Sweet Mary Lyrics

Sweet mary sent a letter to me
She say to hurry home
I need you right away
I’ve got a made full of love
And i’m all alone
Hurry today

Sweet mary i’m coming home
Coming home to you
Sweet mary i’m coming home
That’s the least i can do

Sweet mary in that letter to me
It’s up to you
I need you right away
And now i got to hop a freight
Get me home by dawn
I got to sleep

Sweet mary i’m coming home
Coming home to you
Sweet mary i’m coming home
That’s the least i can do

Sweet mary has a smile on her face
You know she’s hapy to see me
Rather anyway
I only hope that the passing of time
She’ll always feel that way
I won’t pack up my dreams

Sweet mary i’m coming home
Coming home to you
Sweet mary i’m coming home
That’s the least i can do

Sweet mary i’m coming home
Coming home to you
Sweet mary i’m coming home
That’s the least i can do