Elvis Presley - Big Boss Man (Official Audio)

Big Boss Man by Elvis Presley lyrics and music video. You can sing while listening to the song Big Boss Man performed by Elvis Presley. Hope you like the music video and song lyrics for Big Boss Man .

Elvis Presley: Big Boss Man Lyrics

Big boss man, can’t you hear me when i call?
Big boss man, can’t you hear me when i call?
Can’t you hear me when i call?
Well you ain’t so big, you know you’re just tall that’s all, allright
Well you got me workin’ boss man
Workin’ round the clock
I wanna little drink of water
But you won’t let big al stop
Big boss man now can’t you hear me when i call? all right
I said you ain’t so big, you know you’re just tall that’s all

Big boss man, why can’t you hear me when i call? all right
You know you ain’t so big, i said you’re just tall that’s all,all right
I’m gonna get me a boss man
One who’s gonna treat me right
I work hard in the day time
Rest easy at night
Big boss man, can’t you hear me when i call? can’t you hear mewhen i call?
I said you ain’t so big, you’re just tall that’s all
I’m gonna get me a boss man
One that’s gonna treat me right
I work hard in the evenin’
Rest easy at night
Big boss man, big boss man, can’t you hear me when i call?
I said you ain’t so big, you’re just tall that’s all
All right, big boss man
It’s all right
Big Boss Man  de Elvis PresleyBig Boss Man  de Elvis PresleyBig Boss Man  de Elvis PresleyBig Boss Man  de Elvis Presley